News Way to Diagnose Colon Cancer

Cancer is the most dangerous illness in the world. More than half of the people who had this diseases died. This is because there still is not medicine to cure cancer. Malignancy is the other word for cancer. It is defined as the abnormal growth  of cells. The different types of cancer are breast cancer, lung cancer, skin cancer, colon cancer, and prostate cancer. For this article, colon cancer or colorectal cancer will be discussed.

A colon cancer is a cancer of the large intestine (colon), which is the end part of the digestive tract before the rectum Nowadays, there are many ways to diagnose  a colon cancer. The most popular method is the colonoscopy. Over the years, people did not want to undergo this procedure because it is painful and price.

How Does a Colonoscopy Work?

What is a colonoscopy and how does it work? Why are so many people using and trusting this method. A colonoscopy is the best option recommended by Theodore DaCosta, MD, a well experienced gastroenterologist in West Orange, New Jersey. It is the most recommended colon cancer screening method of gastroenterologist. 

A colonoscopy works by inserting the lighted, flexible tube called the endoscope into the rectum in order to clearly visualize the inside of the large intestine. The end of the tube that was inserted in the rectum has a tiny camera that allows the doctor to flash the images to a computer screen.

While doing the session, the doctor will carefully look for tiny growths called “polyps” that may indicate a possible symptoms for colon cancer. If the doctor finds a polyp, the endoscope may be used to remove it.

Virtual Colonoscopy 

The primary reason why people did not want to undergo colonoscopy back from the beginning, is that they did not find it as an easy method. It was hard to tolerate since it is painful. In the present times the technology evolved and the use of anesthesiologist will be considered so that the patient will be put in a deeper sleep while undergoing the procedure. In addition to that, if the person is asleep, the colonoscopy will be done easier and faster.

4 Things to Know about Virtual Colonoscopies

  1. Easier
  2. Accessible for more patients
  3. 3D image of the colon
  4. Safer and less painful than the traditional colonoscopy