CPU or the Central Processing Unit is the most important part of a computer unit. This accessory functions as the brain of this hardware.

Recent version of the CPU may provide an excellent computer performance. Through this, the system responds well, gaming becomes smoother, and can perform more comprehensive tasks.

However, if you are more on an online gamer and online gaming is your life, then learning the CPU specifications would be the best thing to do. After that, you may be guided in selecting the best CPU for online gaming.

CPU Tasks and Functions

In selecting a CPU, you must consider the budget along with the primary task that your computer must need to do. To guide you with it, below are the main functions of a CPU that they can able to perform.

1. Basic tasks
CPU basic tasks include simple video watching, web browsing, and basic computer processes like word document and spreadsheet creation. These simple functions only demand for micro-chip that has two to four cores.

2. Gaming
Computer gaming nowadays are very common over the globe. According to Nick Johnson, the gaming general rule says,

The more you get involved into technology, the more you get involved into gaming.

This computer gaming are categorized whether played online or offline.

Offline computer games require downloading process and saving it in the computer system to access it. Examples of this are simple board games or card games like poker, blackjack, or roulette that has an online version as well.

On the other hand, the online games are those played via an internet connections. This gaming platform let you to play the game like a real life gaming. One example of this is the GTA 5 Online or the Grand Theft Auto 5 Online.

GTA 5 Online is a multiplayer interactive online adventure game. Basically, this is played by using some credits through shark card codes.

Moreover, computer gaming processes demand for an Intel Core i5 that is in a mid-range class. Or, it could be a CPU with AMD Ryzen 5 type.

3. Media workload
Processes like video editing may need a higher or faster CPU. Having this task as your priority, you may go after i7 or i9 cores, or even a Ryzen 7 chip.

4. Workstation builder
If you are looking for a CPU that will work on highly multitask functions like gaming with extreme setting values, then you must go for this type of CPU. You may consider Intel Xeon or the AMD EPYC processor.

Getting into the Core

Prior to purchasing a new CPU unit, you must consider the tasks that it must be performing. From here you can calculate the cost and check your budget if it suffice your qualifications.